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x search

  1. How to use X search – search Posts, people, and more

    We give you control over what you see in your search results through safe search mode.

  2. X-Search Exploratory Search through Semantic Post-Analysis of...

    X-Search provides the necessary linkage between the mined entities and semantic information.

  3. X-Search - Gcube Wiki

    X-Search also offers entity discovery and exploration while the user is browsing on the Web.

  4. X-SEarch. Clever Search Engine. X-Search is... Medium

    XSearch is a completely new search engine that is able to offer products and services for viewing, reviews of which are based on specific offers without the involvement of intermediaries and advertisers.

  5. XSearch - Download

    XSearch is a free search tool that with more features that Windows Search didn't provided.

  6. X-search: an open access interface for cross-cohort exploration of the...

    X-search has been designed as a general framework with two loosely-coupled components: semantically annotated data repository and cross-cohort exploration engine.

  7. X-Search: Revisiting Private Web Search using Intel SGX DeepAI

    The exploitation of user search queries by search engines is at the heart of their economic model.

  8. X-search X-search — инновационная поисковая система...

    X-search — инновационная поисковая система с выдачей товаров и услуг основанной на конкретных предложениях без участия третьих лиц и рекламодателей.

  9. X-Search: Revisiting Private Web Search using Intel SGX

    This paper introduces X-Search, a novel private Web search mechanism building on the disruptive Software Guard Extensions (SGX) proposed by Intel.

  10. XSearch - search files on your computer

    XSearch is a search tool with more features than Windows Search.

Поиск предназначены только для ознакомительных целей!

Мы не несём ответственности за причинённый ущерб, который мог получить пользователь за посещение сторонних сайтов
Отсканированные документы
help.x.com ,projects.ics.forth.gr ,wiki.gcube-system.org ,medium.com ,xsearch.en.softonic.com ,bmcmedinformdecismak.biomedcentral.com ,deepai.org ,vk.com ,inria.hal.science ,www.easexp.com ,
Поиск в поисковиках: google.kz ,google.ru ,google.com , yandex.kz ,yandex.ru ,yandex.com ,go.mail.ru ,bing.com ,ask.com


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