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childs free

  1. Чайлдфри — Википедия

    Чайлдфри́ (англ. childfree — свободный от детей), или Добровольная бездетность (англ. childless by choice, voluntary childless — добровольно бездетный) — система взглядов...

  2. Чайлдфри (ChildFree) — что это такое. Нежелание иметь детей...

    Дословно «чайлдфри» (англ. child free) переводится как «свободные от детей».

  3. 8 Advantages of Being Child-Free ..

    For the child-free, you can sleep as late as you like on weekends.

  4. Childfree Very Life Victory

    In the world, the movement of childfree (“free from children”) is gaining momentum - more and more young women and men refuse to have a child for a variety of reasons.

  5. The Childfree Lifestyle is Growing: Here's What to Know

    Feminists originally chose the term childfree to amplify a sense of freedom or lack of obligation that is a driving force behind the active choice to skip procreation altogether.

  6. 7 reasons why people choose to be childfree — TODAY.com

    RELATED: Child-free by choice: How Cameron Diaz represents women like me. Adults who are opting out of parenthood are a growing population, Blackstone’s study notes.

  7. Childfree Network - ChildfreeWiki

    Other common themes for the ChildFree Lifestyle newsletter included the delights of child-free travel and child-free dining, the joys of not having to pay for college tuition and the freedom to...

  8. Childfree Family: Benefits, Misconceptions & Relationship Impact

    Without the responsibility of raising children, individuals and couples have greater freedom and flexibility in their daily lives.

  9. Чайлдфри — Рувики: Интернет-энциклопедия

    Чайлдфри — субкультура и идеология, характеризующаяся сознательным желанием не иметь детей. Термин «childfree» возник в США в противовес слову «childless» («бездетный»). На волне эмансипации защитники прав человека придумали термин childfree...

  10. Voluntary childlessness - Wikipedia

    Voluntary childlessness or childfreeness describes the active choice not to have children. Use of the word "childfree" was first recorded in 1901 and entered common usage among feminists during the 1970s. The suffix -free refers to the freedom and personal choice of those to pick this lifestyle.

  11. 7 reasons why people choose to be childfree — TODAY.com

    RELATED: Child-free by choice: How Cameron Diaz represents women like me. Adults who are opting out of parenthood are a growing population, Blackstone’s study notes.

  12. Childfree Family: Benefits, Misconceptions & Relationship Impact

    Without the responsibility of raising children, individuals and couples have greater freedom and flexibility in their daily lives.

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ru.wikipedia.org ,medalvian.ru ,lifestyle.allwomenstalk.com ,vlv-mag.com ,thezillennialzine.com ,today.com ,web.archive.org ,marriage.com ,ru.ruwiki.ru ,en.wikipedia.org ,www.marriage.com ,
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